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Mr Peter Oru Bette hails from Biakwan, Abo Ward. He is an active member of the All-Progressive Congress (APC) and has an enthusiastic personality with drive and passion to achieve management goals and set targets. He is a man of proven integrity, and diverse skills in team building and interpersonal relations in addressing environmental, social, and economic sustainability and community development. He possesses widespread experience in both public and private sectors of the economy with particular emphases on Environmental sustainability, Community Development and Local Government Administration. He has worked as a Special Adviser and Supervisor for Rural Development 2003 - 2007, and Supervisor for Environment - 2013 - 2016 all in Boki Local Government Council.

Mr. Peter Oru Bette is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC), a Certified Fellow of the Institute of Green Engineers (IGEN), and a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC). He was born on March 16, 1963, in Boki Local Government Area of Cross River State. Mr. Bette has over 30 years of cognate experience in community development, working for SDG goals and offering solutions for sustainable development in rural communities, he is an experienced environmentalist, and active CSO member and Climate change champion.

Mr. Bette had in the past successfully worked in the private/public service sector, resulting in the institutionalization of the WASH Department in Cross River State, and the establishment of water laws and wash policies in Akwa Ibom State. Currently, serves as a Consultant for National and International Organizations such as USAID, UNICEF, WCS, and the EU.

He holds a Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences (Climate Change & Sustainable Development), a postgraduate diploma in Environmental Education, an HND in Food Technology, and a PhD (in view) in Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Peter is happily married with kids an ardent Catholic by faith and a practicing Christian.

Over the years I have contributed greatly to our communities' upliftment through partnership with international and local agencies in providing social services to our people. I have facilitated the provision of 500 hand pump boreholes and 63 solar-powered boreholes to provide access to safe drinking water for our people.

Through my local NGO, I have trained about 15,000 rural women and youths on community-level management, skills development, climate-smart agriculture and carbon farming, including providing bridges in our feeder roads to ease human and agricultural produce movement. I have raised more than 300,000 fruit trees, cocoa and indigenous forest trees and distributed them to farmers for sustainable farming and restoration of our forest regimes.
I have transverse through the entire territory of our local government area, understand the dynamics of rural development and therefore present myself as an aspirant for the office of CHAIRMAN of our local government area.

I believe that every Boki person deserves a voice, every individual deserves an opportunity, and every community deserves a government that works for them, that is why I am determined to implement people-oriented policies and programs where everyone can thrive, to achieve "WE DE PEOPLE" agenda, we will collectively outline a five-year comprehensive strategic development plan that puts the people first, fosters inclusivity, and drives progress that would address the pressing challenges we face as a people from economic inequality.

Given the above, I therefore, consider myself as a fit and proper person for the office of the Chairman of Boki Local Government Council and do therefore offer myself to lead as a servant leader.
I hereby solicit your support and prayers for me to actualize my dreams for the betterment of our people.
Thanks again and God's blessings upon you.

VISION: To develop and implement people-oriented policies and programs that will improve living conditions for the people of Boki nation.

MISSION: To provide effective, efficient, and responsive leadership that addresses the needs of our citizens, promotes sustainable development and enhances the quality of life in Boki Local Government Area.


1. Citizen-Centered: Prioritize citizen needs and concerns.
2. Integrity: Lead with honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct.
3. Collaboration: Work with stakeholders, organizations, and government agencies to achieve common goals.
4. Innovation: Embrace new ideas, technologies, and approaches to improve service delivery.
5. Sustainability: Make decisions that balance present and future needs.


1. CONDUCT COMMUNITY NEED ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL INVESTMENT PLAN: I pledge to conduct a thorough community-need assessment and develop a targeted local investment plan that addresses our community's most pressing challenges and opportunities, ensuring inclusive growth, improved infrastructure, and enhanced quality of life for all residents.

2. INTERNALLY GENERATED REVENUE: Under my watch, we will jointly implement a comprehensive strategy to boost Internally Generated Revenue by 20% annually, diversifying revenue streams, improving tax collection, and promoting public-private partnerships to fund rural development to reduce dependence on State and Federal allocation or external funding.

3. CARRYOUT PEOPLE-ORIENTED BUDGETING: We will implement a people-oriented budgeting approach that prioritizes citizen needs, ensures transparency and allocates resources efficiently to improve lives. Our budget will focus on essential services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure while promoting economic growth, social equity, and inclusive development.

4. PARTNERSHIP/COLLABORATION: We will be committed to fostering strategic partnerships with local stakeholders, private sector entities, and community organizations to leverage resources, expertise, and funding for sustainable development. Through collaborative governance with State and Federal. We will drive inclusive growth, improve service delivery, and enhance the overall quality of life for our dear Boki people.

5. MARKET/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Stimulate and expand local economic growth by supporting small businesses, entrepreneurs, and innovations and by attracting investments that create jobs and opportunities for our citizens. We will foster a competitive and inclusive market environment, driven by sustainable policies and initiatives that promote prosperity and improve our community's economic well-being. Our administration shall be committed to creating a robust financial system with a business-friendly economy that can attract direct investment to better the lives of our people.

6. WOMEN AND YOUTH EMPOWERMENT: We will empower women and youth by creating opportunities for education, skills development, and economic participation, and by addressing gender-based violence and discrimination through inclusive policies and programs. We will foster a culture of equality, inclusivity, and social justice, unlocking the full potential of our women and youth to drive positive change and prosperity.

7. PEACE AND SECURITY: Under my watch, we will ensure the safety and security of our people by strengthening law enforcement, addressing root causes of crime, and promoting community-based initiatives that foster peace, justice, and social cohesion. We will work tirelessly to prevent violence, protect vulnerable populations, and create a culture of peace and tolerance, where everyone can thrive and feel safe.

8. HEALTHCARE SERVICES: I will ensure quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare services are provided to rural dwellers, by strengthening our healthcare infrastructure, investing in medical equipment and technology, and training healthcare professionals. We will prioritize preventive care, mental health, and community-based health initiatives, ensuring that everyone receives the care they need to lead healthy and productive lives.

9. AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECURITY: In line with Cross River State policy on Agriculture, we will develop a sustainable agricultural policy which will be inclusively focused using the cooperative model; emphasis will be placed on carbon farming and linking farmers to up-takers, leveraging on partnership with financial institutions for resource expansion. We will incorporate a digital marketing matrix to enable farmers to harness maximal profits. We will be committed to collaborating with international agencies and development partners to expand and accelerate investments into other innovations and sustainable farming systems.

10. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION: Boki forest remains the pride of our people, through our collective efforts, I pledge to protect our environment and address climate change by implementing sustainable practices, investing in renewable energy, restoration and regeneration of the forest regime, and promoting eco-friendly initiatives that preserve our natural resources for future generations. We will work towards a carbon-neutral future, support climate resilience, and ensure that our LGA is at the forefront of environmental stewardship and sustainable development.

We will advocate for carbon credit solutions to forest communities by formulating carbon credit concepts capable of accounting for carbon dioxide emissions into our environment. This innovative approach will involve the planting of one million fruit and forest trees for the restoration of our last rainforest including the practice of eco-friendly activities that will help in reducing our carbon footprint capable of ensuring maximal benefits to our people. We will collaborate with international, financial institutions, and government agencies including the private sector to achieve this goal.

11. WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE (WASH): Emphasis will be placed on sustainable development goal SDG six (6) as a pivot for the transformation of our rural economics. There will be aggressive maintenance and rehabilitation of the existing water points/boreholes to provide access to safe drinking water. Efforts will be made to complete the abandoned small water projects in thirteen (13) semi-urban communities of Boki including the provision of sanitation facilities in public places.

12. ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE: Our government will concentrate on the maintenance and rehabilitation of feeder roads to ensure that both human and agricultural products can be easily conveyed to nearby markets.

13. BOARDER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Boki local government area, being an international border community, our administration will intensify efforts in conducting a thorough audit and real-time gap analysis, cultivate a system where border communities will earn their royalty, fix those challenges to guarantee a peaceful co-existence of our people.

14. TRADITIONAL INSTITUTIONS: As Council Chairman effort will be geared towards preserving and strengthening our traditional institutions, recognizing their vital role in the promotion and presentation of cultural heritage, social cohesion, and community development, while ensuring their relevance and effectiveness in modern governance. We will foster collaborative relationships between traditional leaders and government, leveraging their wisdom and influence to drive progress and prosperity in our Boki nation.

15. COMMUNITY CULTURAL TOURISM: My administration will develop and promote community cultural tourism initiatives that will showcase our rich heritage. We will support the Boki New Yam Festival, the Alobe Festival, the Cassava Festival, the Cocoa Festival and the gorilla tourism will be institutionalised. We will preserve and celebrate our cultural diversity while sharing it globally and ensuring that tourism benefits our people and contributes to its sustainable development.

I invite you all to join me on this journey, to share ideas, and to work together towards a brighter and better Boki nation. Let us build together a community that is worthy of our highest aspirations for even generations yet unborn.

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  1. Anonymous9/29/2024

    Mr. Peter Batte, I have known you very well in the local government since the days of suni Abang, you are a good leader, passionate person. All that have been said here about you is true. You single handedly provide water for the people of Boki in almost all the clans. You are good to go


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About Author

Hi, I,m Pospi Otuson. A Nigerian Blogger, Social Entrepreneur and Convener of the renowned Boki Business Conference. CEO/Founder of Possibility Desk.

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