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A Call for Competence, Conscience, and the tutorlage of Loyalty in Boki Leadership. A Deep Appeal for Reason to Party Men and Caucus.

As a loyal and committed member of our great party, I write this open appeal not only as a loyal foot soldier who has diligently labored for the growth and unity of our political family but also as a representative of a community that knows what it's to be marginalized and deprived. My people have stood by the party through thick and thin, yet we remain on the fringes of leadership, our contributions recognized in speeches but not in the structures of power.

The present zoning arrangement, while designed to foster inclusiveness, has created unintended consequences that have left certain clans, mine included, out of the leadership framework. More than just marginalization, there exists a perception that my people are not "favorable" in the political equations of today. This perception has stifled our voice and restricted our opportunity to contribute to the development of Boki Local Government Area (LGA) in ways that align with our shared vision for progress.

I am making this heartfelt appeal to the distinguished caucus members of our party to rise above routine zoning patterns and focus on what is most critical for Boki at this time—competence, conscience, and loyalty.

Leadership Beyond Just Zoning: The Need for Competence and Trust.

The challenges before us in Boki LGA today demand more than just a leader who fits into a zonal equation.

They demand someone with the skill, the experience, and the vision to solve the pressing issues our people face. Leadership must be more than a routine exercise of rotating positions based on geography. If we are to truly develop our communities, we must prioritize


The ability to deliver on promises and bring about tangible change that improves lives.

In times of economic challenges, infrastructural decay, youth restiveness and unemployment, we need leaders who understand the issues, who have proven themselves capable in various spheres, and who can rally the people around a common cause of development. We cannot afford to let the routine zoning ritual alone of who is in favour or against be the deciding factor when our future is at stake.

Conscience :

Doing What is Right for All,not just to a few who have always had the privileged as anointed.

This moment calls for a collective awakening of our conscience. We must look beyond political expediency and ask ourselves: what is truly best for Boki? The principles of justice and fairness demand that we give every community a chance to contribute to leadership, particularly those who have long been marginalized.

The essence of leadership is service, and true service knows no ethnic or clan boundaries. A leader's role is to serve all people equally, with dedication and fairness, ensuring that no community is left behind. It is with this spirit that I seek your support, not to represent a specific clan, but to serve all the people of Boki with conscience and fairness.

Loyalty :

Standing Firm with the Party and the People

Throughout my years of service to this great party, I have remained steadfast in my loyalty. Whether in times of victory or defeat, I have stood by the party's ideals and worked tirelessly to promote its agenda. I have championed unity, fairness, and progress, always with an unwavering commitment to the party’s success and the welfare of our people.

Loyalty is not just about showing up in election season; it is about consistently upholding the values and objectives of the party year after year. It is about putting the collective interests of the people above personal ambition. This is the kind of loyalty I have demonstrated, and it is the kind of loyalty I will bring to leadership in Boki LGA if given the chance.

A Vision for a United and Progressive Boki

The time has come to modify routine and chart a new path for Boki. My vision for Boki LGA is one where "development " reaches every corner of our land, where " opportunities " are accessible to all, and where "progress" is measured not just by political victories, but by the improved lives of our people.

1. Inclusive Development: I am committed to ensuring that no community in Boki is left behind in the distribution of resources and opportunities. Infrastructure, healthcare, education, and economic empowerment must reach all parts of the LGA, not just favored zones.

2. Youth and Women Empowerment: Our young people and women are the backbone of our community, yet they remain underutilized. I will implement targeted programs to equip them with the skills, training, and support they need to thrive in today's economy.

3. Agricultural Transformation: Boki is blessed with fertile land and hardworking people. I will prioritize agriculture, introducing modern farming techniques and creating access to markets to enhance food security and generate wealth for our people.

4. Peace and Security: The safety and security of our people are paramount. I will work closely with security agencies, traditional rulers, and community leaders to maintain peace and stability across Boki.

A Call to Party Caucus: Let Us Endorsed Wisely with BOKI in our hearts.

As we prepare to make critical decisions regarding the leadership of Boki LGA, I humbly urge our esteemed party caucus to look beyond the routine of zoning ritual,which has served at a time,and will still favour my Clan if we should also go by it,but in this challenging times let's embrace competence, conscience, and loyalty as the key factors in selecting our next Chairman. Our people deserve leadership that is equipped to deliver, that understands their needs, and that is committed to serving with integrity and fairness.

I offer myself for service, not because it is "my turn," but because I have the competence, the knowledge of where we are coming from,the conscience, and the loyalty to lead Boki into a future of unity and progress. My candidacy is not about clan or geography, but about the collective good of all our people.

Let us make decisions that honor the trust of the people, that reflect the true ideals of our party, and that prioritize the future of Boki above all.

Thank you, and may our party and leaders continue to grow in strength, unity, and wisdom.

Hon.Ojonde KREES.

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About Author

Hi, I,m Pospi Otuson. A Nigerian Blogger, Social Entrepreneur and Convener of the renowned Boki Business Conference. CEO/Founder of Possibility Desk.

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