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It is very clear and believe that politics is a game of number, and if that philosophy is true, then a man like Abang Pius Besong the CEO AB AMANI JOJO GLOBAL CONCEPT should be given the ticket to serve his people 

Our dear state and country shall be witnessing a shift of power, and at such only popular candidate with surplus capacity should be carefully considered 

For those who base in Cross River State and within the axis of BOKI/IKOM FEDERAL CONSTITUENCY can attest without any fear nor favor about his capacity, accessibility, acceptability and how influential Mr Pius can be, not only because of his high level of benevolence to his people but his friendly nature with every common man in the street, and  our great and outstanding political party PDP at this point of restoring back the lost glory of our dear state need a men of his caliber to pick the ticket of BOKI/IKOM FEDERAL CONSTITUENCY to enable us have stress free elections, haven’t seen many defect for his sake at Boki/Ikom and even outside his federal constituency, this alone shows that he is a man with uncommon capacity 

Today by the special grace of God, he happens to be the most youngest by age and most serious minded under our great party PDP and BOKI/Ikom federal constituency on this race 

A lot of persons ranging from opposition parties knows this truth and will want to bury it by all means just to sabotage the only outstanding political party in our state which is the PDP, but is rather too late because our eyes are now open and we can see beyond the present 

Ladies and gentlemen of our great party PDP, let me remind us that we are never an opposition party in Cross River State, and I have every reasonable proves to that regards, ranging from the just concluded by elections between Yala/Ogoja Federal Constituency and the Akpabuyo state house of assembly, I speak with all amount of alacrity because haven’t been in the APC for a good number of years before realizing the truth, I can boldly tell the world without missing words

As we all work for the success of this forthcoming primaries, I want to assure everyone within Boki/Ikom that PDP will not only get a block vote but a promising promising representation, which will for ever remain a reference point in the mind of us all

Power belong to the people and the man, Abang Pius Besong is with the people 

Support Abang Pius Besong
Support Caterpillar movement 


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Hi, I,m Pospi Otuson. A Nigerian Blogger, Social Entrepreneur and Convener of the renowned Boki Business Conference. CEO/Founder of Possibility Desk.

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