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As a result of the controversial covid-19 pandemic, that brought the world, its economy, way of life, and everything that made life worth living to a standstill. The Banjuare Boki Festival 2020 did not hold.

The following is what was expected for this year's celebration, but has been shifted to 2021, this time, more equipped and strong to face the future.

The Bokyi nation is so endowed with natural benefits, in terms of Tourism, Culture, Tradition, and the uniqueness of the diversity of our people, to the extend that; the name Bokyi is poetic in itself.

It may interest you to know that, the Bokyi way of life is being envied by those who admire us through the window and are very eager to participate in the awesomeness of the graces bestowed upon us by the Almighty.

The intermission caused by covid-19 has enabled us to grow in thinking and arrangement of our thought patterns, which has resulted in the enlargement of our hearts to bring the best to our motherland for the benefit of the future generation. 

Considering the fact that, we won't pass through this way a second time and won't be on this side of life forever.

It will be a shame for the Bokyi people to neglect their customs and traditions for a mosel of bread being dropped down by those who called themselves, political godfathers, without making proper use of the giftings, gifted us by nature.

Having put all this into consideration, we decided to look deep into the economic impacts of eco-tourism in Bokiland otherwise known as (Nki).

Therefore, the Humanity Inspiration Network through Banjuare Boki Festival, presents:

Ecotourism as a leisure Travels to Natural Areas in Bokiland 2021.

Theme for 2021 Banjuare Boki Festival is: 


What to expect.

Ecotourism in Bokiland will propel foreign visits and it will also become Cross River State leading export as well as remain the major ecotourism destination in Nigeria. 

The local economy will be driven by small-scale nature-based tourism, much of it embodying the definition of ecotourism espoused by the community as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the welfare of our people".

The Boki community, therefore,  offers an excellent context in which to ground test the economic, social,  and environmental impacts of ecotourism. 

Accordingly,  the main goal of this present edition is to draw a profile of the tourists visiting protected areas in Bokikand.

As secondary goals, we intend to;

1. Analyze their evaluation about the destinations 
2. Identify their knowledge about the protected areas they visit, and
3. Obtain suggestions about possible improvements on the activities and the need for additional facilities. 

So far, little is known about the profiles, motivations, and on-site experiences of ecotourism on protected areas, particularly in Boki land.

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About Author

Hi, I,m Pospi Otuson. A Nigerian Blogger, Social Entrepreneur and Convener of the renowned Boki Business Conference. CEO/Founder of Possibility Desk.

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